Garance vrácení peněz


Free and non-binding professional building inspections and humidity measurements anywhere in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Complaint report for download

Goods will be accepted for the complaint procedure under the following conditions:

  1. When exercising the right to a warranty repair (replacement), a copy of the invoice or delivery note issued at the sale of the goods in question must be included with this complaint report.

  2. The goods must be handed over to the supplier for the complaint procedure in a complete state and in their original packaging or packaged in such a way that sufficiently protects the goods during transport (the customer is responsible for such packaging) at the expense of the customer.

  3. The goods must not be mechanically damaged by the customer. Any attempt by the customer to repair the goods is unacceptable and may result in the complaint being assessed as unjustified!

  4. The supplier undertakes to settle the complaint to the benefit of the customer as quickly as possible, and the goods will be ready for collection from the supplier no later than 30 days from receipt. If the customer hands over incomplete goods when making a complaint, the supplier reserves the right to extend this period.

  5. The customer acknowledges and agrees that they may be charged the costs connected with an unjustified complaint.

By signing this complaint report, the customer confirms that they have read the Terms and Conditions and that they fully agree with them. The customer also agrees with the processing of their personal data for the purposes of settling their complaint.

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