Garance vrácení peněz

About us

Welcome to the website of Elektrofyzika s.r.o. We are a leading manufacturer and developer of wet masonry dehumidification equipment and the Drypol® system, but in general we focus on dehumidifying buildings using non-invasive methods without severe construction interventions.

It was no quick and easy journey before we got to manufacturing and installing our own Drypol® device. For many years, we worked hard and gathered experience in the industry using foreign devices of a similar type.

Gradually, we devised our own innovative solutions for drying out buildings using the electrophysical method, and in 2009 we built and installed the very first Drypol® system. Owing to our own design, we are still fully in control of the complete development, production, assembly and testing of the device. Everything is therefore sourced from the Czech Republic and our homeland of South Moravia (apart from the box and power supply).

We only founded Elektrofyzika s.r.o. as such in a family spirit five years later, in 2014, once we had already completed several successful implementations and dehumidified facilities. And we have remained a family company to this day, although we have progressed considerably since then.

We currently have a total of 6,500 completed installations - we can handle up to 500 in a single year, which equates to one or two Drypol® installations every day. Numbers are not everything, of course, but countless owners of family homes or apartment buildings and important entities have turned to us for help, such as:

Do you need help with dampness in your house? Do you have unsightly wet plaster stains running down your walls? Do you want to get rid of mold on your walls? We can solve your problems without any severe intervention in the building. Contact us - call us toll free at 800 212 800 or e-mail us via the form in the top right-hand corner “Inquiry” - and we’ll get back to you promptly.

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